Online Teaching
I offer lessons on Wooden Flute, Tin Whistle, Low Whistle and Singing. These can be in person in Sheffield or on-line. I work with everyone from beginners to masterclass level. I use a coaching style to help you develop the confidence to work independently to improve your playing.
I have 30 years of experience teaching individuals and groups working at Sheffield University, traditional music festivals such as Underneath the Stars, Whitby Folk Week and Trip to Birmingham Trad Fest as well community groups and private one to one lessons. In 2022 I am the guest flute tutor at the Festival Interceltique Lorient.
I specialise in Irish Traditional, English and Asturian Folk Music.
I charge £40.50 per hour for adults (Musician's Union rates).
Lessons for children are £20.50 for 30 mins.
I can provide 10 minute daily on line top up practice sessions for £12 per session.
Group rates available.
Email me @ or message me here for further details.